Google Book Search


This app allowes you to search for books and in the search page save them to the reading-list or view them on google. When the book has been read, it can be deleted from the reading-list.

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Node.js, HTML5, CSS3, Git, GitHub, MongoDB, Heroku

Disaster Dashboard


This app is built to collect recent disasters, near earth events, COVID-19 Statistics, the Silver and Gold price and a checklist allowing to verify the items needed to survive a disaster. When feeling to stressed look at puppies on the top to relax.

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Node.js, HTML5, CSS3, Git, GitHub, MySQL, Heroku



Interactive website to help concerned citizens to see the air quality in their area and to provide a platform where they are able to express their feelings alongside a short message to their local representative regarding the air quality.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, HTML5, CSS3, Git, GitHub, MySQL, Heroku, Handlebars, MVC, ORM

EarthQuake Tracker


Interactive website to help concerned citizens see where earthquakes are happening around the globe.

Technologies: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Git, GitHub, APIs



This restaurant app lets the users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat. add a burger to the Ready to eat! section When you feel hungry simply Devour! it.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, HTML5, CSS3, Git, GitHub, MySQL, Heroku, Handlebars, MVC, ORM, Docker

Employee Registry


This command line application prompts the user for information about the manager and the team members. After completing the registry an HTML file is generated with the information provided by the user.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, HTML5, CSS3, Git, GitHub

Weather Dashboard


Weather dashboard to allow the user to search for location and the app displays the current weather and 5 days forecast on the screen.

Technologies: JavaScript, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Git, GitHub, APIs

Work Day Scheduler


This calendar application allows the user to save events for each business hour of the day. When clicking into a timeblock the user can enter an event.

Technologies: JavaScript, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Git, GitHub



This application prepares you for JavaScript interviews. You have 2 minutes to answer 10 questions. Every wrong answear costs 10 seconds. When all questions are answered or the timer reaches 0 the game is over, your score is presented and you can save your name and score.

Technologies: JavaScript, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Git, GitHub

Password Generator


The random password generator promts the user for the password length (8-128) and the strength of the password (lower case, upper case, numerical, special characters), then displays the generated password on the screen.

Technologies: JavaScript, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Git, GitHub

Conference registry


Applicant registry webservice using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, JSP or Thymeleaf and HTML.

Recipe book


REST based CRUDS webservice using Spring Data REST (Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data, JPA).

Huffmann coding


The application compresses and decompresses text files by using Huffman Coding based on the frequency of the characters.

Technologies: Java, Object Oriented Programming, Huffmann-coding, Collections, Generics, Binary-tree

Guitar Hero


Guitar simulator that allows the user to play on a guitar by using the keyboard of the computer ("keytar"). The application constructs notes on the chromatic scale and the client can play these notes by pressing different keys on the keyboard.

Technologies: Java, Object Oriented Programming, Computer simulation, Collections, Generics



Evil hangman application which manages and modifies the state of the game on-the-fly and it tries to trick the user. It starts the game with a set of words instead of one word and reduces the set to the words what are less likely to be discovered after each guess, until the player looses or only one word is in the set.

Technologies: Java, Object Oriented Programming

Jungle game


Game/simulation with animals in it like a jungle. Each species move and behave in different ways in the 2D environment. They meet, feed, move, sleep and kill each other until only one kind of animal will rule the jungle.

Technologies: Java, Object Oriented Programming, Computer simulation

Anagram solver


The application creates anagrams using recursive backtracking over dictionary to find all combinations of words that have the same letters as a given phrase.

Technologies: Java, Object Oriented Programming, Recursive backtracking

20 Questions


Yes-no question game in which the player thinks of an object and the computer tries to guess it by asking yes-no questions. The computer becomes smarter after each failed round and learns the new question-answer pair to win more future games.

Technologies: Java, Object Oriented Programming, "AI", Binary-tree

DNA Analyzer


This DNA analyzing application that reads data from the National Center for Biotechnology Information and provides statistics about nucleotides and predicts whether or not the sequence is a protein-coding gene.

Technologies: Java, Strings, DNA sequencing

Grammar solver


This program reads an input file with a grammar in Backus-Naur Form (BNF) and allows the user to randomly generate elements of the grammar.

Technologies: Java, Object Oriented Programming, Collections API, Recursion, Regular Expressions, Generics

Assassin manager


Assassin manager keeps track of who is stalking whom and the history of who killed whom. This Java program starts with a circular chain of assassination targets what is linked list, called the “kill ring”.

Technologies: Java, Object Oriented Programming, Collections API, Linked Lists